on samsung smart tv how to remove volume voice assistant

on samsung smart tv how to remove volume voice assistant
Picture of Parimal Shingda

Parimal Shingda

How to Turn Off Voice Assistant on Samsung Smart TV: A Simple Guide

If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated by the voice assistant on your Samsung Smart TV, you’re not alone. While this feature can be helpful for some users, it can also be distracting or even annoying if it’s not something you want. Luckily, turning it off is a straightforward process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through exactly how to turn off voice assistant on Samsung Smart TV, so you can enjoy your viewing experience without the interruptions.

Why Turn Off the Voice Assistant?

Samsung Smart TVs come with a built-in voice assistant feature called the Voice Guide, which reads aloud everything you do on your TV. While this can be incredibly helpful for individuals with visual impairments or those who prefer to navigate with auditory cues, it can be a distraction for others. If you’re among those who don’t need or want the voice prompts, turning off the voice assistant on your Samsung Smart TV will restore a quieter, more immersive viewing experience.

Also read this: How to Turn Off Keyboard Sound on Samsung: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Turn Off Voice Assistant on Samsung Smart TV

on samsung smart tv how to remove volume voice assistant
how to remove volume voice assistant

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to turn off voice assistant on Samsung Smart TV:

  1. Press the Home Button
    Start by pressing the Home button on your Samsung Smart TV remote. This will open up the main menu where you can access various features and settings.
  2. Navigate to the Settings
    Using the remote, scroll to the left until you find the “Settings” option. Click on it by pressing the middle button or trackpad on your remote.
  3. Go to General Settings
    Once you’re in the Settings menu, scroll down until you see the “General” option. Don’t worry if you don’t immediately see something that says “Voice” – it’s actually tucked away under General.
  4. Access the Accessibility Menu
    Inside the General settings, scroll down further until you find the “Accessibility” option. This is where you’ll find all the settings related to voice guidance and other accessibility features.
  5. Select Voice Guide Settings
    Click on “Voice Guide Settings.” This is the main menu where you can control the voice assistant feature. You’ll see an option called “Voice Guide.”
  6. Turn Off the Voice Guide
    To disable the voice assistant, simply select “Voice Guide” and turn it off. Once you’ve done this, you’ll notice that the voice prompts disappear, and your TV will operate without announcing each move you make.

Is It Really That Simple?

on samsung smart tv how to remove volume voice assistant
how to remove volume voice assistant
on samsung smart tv how to remove volume voice assistant
how to remove volume voice assistant

Yes! Following these simple steps, you’ll have successfully disabled the voice assistant on your Samsung Smart TV. This feature is easy to turn on and off, so if you ever need it again or someone in your household prefers it, you can easily go back and switch it on using the same steps.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve followed these steps but still hear the voice assistant, it’s possible that your TV might need a software update. Check for updates in the “Support” section of your settings and ensure your TV is running the latest software. After updating, try the steps again to turn off the voice assistant.

Additionally, if you have a newer Samsung Smart TV model or one with different software, the steps might vary slightly. However, the basic principle remains the same: look under the General and Accessibility settings to find and disable the Voice Guide.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re tired of the voice prompts or simply don’t need them, knowing how to turn off voice assistant on a Samsung Smart TV can save you a lot of frustration. The process is simple, quick, and requires no technical expertise. Following the steps above, you’ll have your TV back to a quieter and more comfortable experience.